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Middle School (Grades 6-8)

Areas of Instruction

Language Arts    This area of instruction includes reading, listening, thinking,

and oral and written communication. Instruction focuses on the development

of skills in the areas of grammar, literature, spelling, handwriting, creative

writing, listening, and thinking. We use the Abeka readers, Easy Grammar, and

other supplemental texts.


Foreign Language experiences are incorporated into the curriculum as time and interest allow 


Mathematics provides a balance between the development of mathematical concepts and skills. Mathematics provides the student with the ability to transform and communicate quantitative, logical, and spatial information necessary for literacy in a technological society. The textbook we most frequently use is Teaching Textbooks. Students are taught at an individual level. We use a wide variety of techniques to teach students math concepts in a way that works for each student's brain.


Science focuses on the development of the orderly processes of investigation and problem solving and the study of facts and theories in the areas of life, physical, earth-space, and environmental sciences. Science education provides the individual with knowledge, attitudes, and skills to function in a technological society and to be scientifically literate. Science is taught from a biblical creationist view in accordance with the Genesis account of creation.

Student participation in laboratory experiences is required for all science courses taught in grades K-12.


Social Studies combines knowledge, attitudes, and skills designed to help students participate as effective citizens in society.  Students are excited to share experiences and learn about themselves and others as people living together in the state, nation, and world. Students do lap-books, and projects, and go on field trips.


Bible class is designed to help students be aware of the stories in the Bible so they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the relationship of Christianity to daily living. Bible instruction includes reading and listening to stories, community service, and chapel.


Health and Wellness students have an hour of playtime a day in our activity-oriented program, which promotes the growth, healthy development, and maintenance of each student. Students also learn principles of healthful living such as diet and nutrition.


Computer Education students learn to utilize computers as a study tool while in school and prepare them to be ready for the workplace and in business applications.


Life Skills  – students learn basic work habits and skills to be successful in life as valuable members of society.







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