High School (Grades 9-12)
General High School Diploma Requirements
The following pattern of courses shall be required for all students enrolled
in grades 9 – 12.
The general diploma will be awarded to students who
(1) earn at least 22 credits,
(2) demonstrate proficiency in all required coursework, and
(3) have satisfactory records of attendance and conduct.
Bible I, II, III, and IV* 1-4 credits
Language I, II, III, IV 4 credits
Science (must include Biology) 2 credits
Mathematics* 3 credits
Social Studies** 2 credits
Computer Education 1 credit
Personal Finance 0.5 credit
Physical Education 0.5 credit
Health 0.5 credit
Fine Arts (music and arts) 1 credit
Vocational Lab 1-4 credits
Life Skills 0 or more
Electives 0 or more
Required Minimum Credits 22 credits
College Preparatory Diploma Requirements
The student must meet all the requirements for the general diploma and the following additional courses. The college-prep diploma will be awarded to students who
(1) earn a minimum of 22.5 credits,
(2) demonstrate proficiency in all required coursework
(3) have satisfactory records of attendance and conduct.
Science (must include Biology) +1 credit
Advanced Mathematics +1 credit
Social Studies +0.5 credit
Modern Language 2 credits
Electives 0 or more
Required Minimum Credits 26.5 credits
*one for each year in our school
**Must include: 1) Algebra I, Math for Technology II, or Integrated Mathematics I, and 2) Geometry or Technical Geometry or Integrated Mathematics III, or 3) Algebra II or Integrated Mathematics II 2. U.S.
***Schools must include American History and U.S. Government. International Schools must include courses in their country’s history and government.